2023 MT State Convention Success
During the week of March 22nd- 25th the Malta FFA traveled to Great Falls for the 93rd Montana FFA State Convention. While here we had students competing in their prospective contests, attending student success workshops and sessions to acknowledge achievements.
The Conduct of Chapter Meetings team which consists of all Freshman gave it their best but unfortunately did not make final four. Kenzie and Karlie LaBrie tested their knowledge in Horse judging. Karlie LaBrie Placing 42/187 and Kenzie LaBrie 101/187. Bradley Brown took his knowledge from working at Hi-Line Packing and competed in the Meats Evaluation CDE where he placed 57/139. Lola Snell competed in the Agronomy CDE placing 62/187. Finally, Sadie Branham competed in a secondary contest with the MT Farm Bureau and won 1st place with her speech on connecting producers to the Gen Z community.
Overall a very successful state convention with a reminder that Montana FFA Has No Limits! No limits to success, growth, and dreams!