Girls Shot Put Tia Siewing- 1st Giona Lamb- 2nd Denvyr Tuss- 3rd Lauren Tuss- 5th
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
girls shot put
Girls 100 Addison Ulrich- 5th
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
girls 100
Boys 100 Kyle Darrington- 3rd
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
boys 100
Boys Javelin Gavin Slade- 5th
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
boys Jav
Girls 800 Gracie Honey- 2nd Karlie LaBrie- 3rd
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
girls 800
Girls Discus Tia Siewing- 1st Lauren Tuss- 6th
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
girls discus
Girls 4x100- 5th Place
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
girls 4x100
Boys 4x100- 5th place
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
Boys 4x100
Mustang and M-ettes practicing before the Divisional Meet tomorrow in Great Falls! Finally feels like track season! ☀️
over 1 year ago, Desiree Egger
2023 track
State Golf - The Malta High School girls team took 3rd place. Kaden Bishop placed 9th individually. Brittney Sorlie placed 15th individually. Great season players and coaches! #MightyMalta
over 1 year ago, Malta School
MHS Class of 2023 will have their Graduation and Commencement, Sunday, May 21 at 2:00 PM in the high school gym. Good Luck to our graduating seniors.
almost 2 years ago, Malta Schools
MHS Class of 2023 Senior Night is Thursday, May 18 at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium.
almost 2 years ago, Malta Schools
FFA had their annual banquet Friday night an installation of their new officers. A special thank you to all the businesses and families who contribute to FFA each year. #MightyMalta
almost 2 years ago, Malta Schools
Thank you Mrs. Murphy
New and old officers
Outgoing officers
Officers speaking at banquet
Wednesday's Pops Concert was the final high school concert in the 36 year career of Mr. Erik Engebretson. Malta High School sincerely thanks Mr. E for his years of dedication to our students and our community. Thank you for providing the soundtrack for our school. #MightyMalta
almost 2 years ago, Malta Schools
Mr. Engebretson
Mr. Engebretson with his gift
Mr. Engebretson speaking to the crowd
The band playing Mr. Engebretson's favorite song
Congratulations to the Band on a great concert on Wednesday. The Jazz Combo, Trumpet Choir, and Concert Band put on a great show. #MightyMalta
almost 2 years ago, Malta Schools
Jazz Band
Trumpet Choir
Jazz Combo
Concert Band
Congratulations to the High School Concert Choir for a great concert on Wednesday night. The Concert Choir, Euterpes, and Men's Ensemble put on a great performance. #MightyMalta
almost 2 years ago, Malta Schools
Concert Choir
Congratulations to the newest members of that Malta High School National Honor Society. #MightyMalta
almost 2 years ago, Malta Schools
honor society members
Divisional Golf Results - Boys placed 3rd, girls placed 2nd. All 5 girls placed individually in the top 15. Kaden placed in top 15. Everyone’s going to state! #MightyMalta
almost 2 years ago, Malta School
HS JMG Conference - Brylee placed 1st in the Meme Project, Aubri sang the National Anthem, and they toured the fire and rescue center in Helena.
almost 2 years ago, Malta School
Another creation from STEM 7
almost 2 years ago, Malta School